Lovely Blogs.
Friday, 31 July 2009
Ulrika - i'm so in love with her lovely photographs! from sweden.
olivelse - such an enchanting blog from france.
mostly berlin - wonderful guide to berlin city with beautiful photographs!
{.: OLLA NANI-VISUAL MAKER :.} - super cute artist from melbourne. her photos and illustrations are superb!
Being - amazing photographer from malaysia. i love the light and the colours in her photos, so beautiful.
it will stop raining* - she 's so good at making food look OISHI! makes me hungry!!! :)
wgaw - opens up a totally new world to me!
A peaceful day - truly amazing to find what you can do with a blog!! great construction as well as the interesting stories told.
bonjour! - a really charming photo blog from canada!
Marty Party - beautiful images of Nagasaki through a young american photographer's eyes!
I'm supposed to list 15 but am running out of time, so that's it for now. I just so enjoy visiting everyones lovely blogs from all over the world, it's really cool. Thank you Baron's Life and do check out this post from his blog it's fun!