Just some random photos I've taken in the last couple of months when the light seemed so beautiful creating lovely shadows.

Days are getting longer now I enjoy finding the changes in light and shadows in everyday moments. They make me smile :)

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IF YOU ARE IN TOKYO THIS WEEK -->> There is a really lovely exhibition "Blossom" by a wonderful London based French jewelry artist/interior stylist Emma Cassi at the galerie doux dimanche in Aoyama now going until 28th April. I fell in love with her jewelry which she makes using vintage lace and pearls - they are amazing - and I purchased a pair of earrings a few years ago. I've been a big fan ever since. It was a real happy pleasure to meet the lovely Emma last Friday at her exhibition. I was too excited and forgot to take any photos, but the exhibition was really really good, Emma painted flowers on the window and she made the space so charming and dreamy!
If you are not in Tokyo, check out her works here, and also her blog!

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1 comment

  1. One of my obsessions is to chase the light around my house, watching the shadows do their magic <3


your kind words are always welcome and appreciated! arigato :)
