I don't think I have mentioned here yet that I moved my shop to a new space in the same building last month. I'm enjoying it.

I love having some great works designed/produced by some of the really wonderful creative bloggers I have met through my blog and been in touch with for a while such as: Renilde of at swim-two-birds (she makes the loveliest potholders and seat cushions!), Hanna Konola (I fell in love with her work when I went to see her exhibition in Tokyo in 2010, and I was lucky to have met the lovely Hanna and Jukka last year!), Mary Gaudin (one of my favourite photographers who lives in a beautiful city in South of France), and sweet Ros of Polkaros (talented zakka designer/artist based in Tokyo - she's been so amazingly supportive for my shop ever since I opened last November, such a kind and sweet person she really is!!) My Japanese customers enjoy seeing their works that are not so easily found elsewhere in Japan.

I also really enjoy meeting many people here in my shop coming from all over the world. To me it's a great complement when people come in and say "I read your blog!(!!)" (or when I have past customers from my online store), I feel so lucky and happy that people find my blog and find it enjoyable or some information from here is useful to them for their trips to Tokyo, AND how they take their time to come and visit my shop when most of them must have such limited time to spend in Tokyo (and I only open Fri-Sun.... I know some people can't make it because of this too)!!

I would really appreciate it if you could tell about my shop to your friends who are coming to Tokyo, if they enjoy visiting small shops that are not too famous or are not in any guide books (yet), or if they might enjoy seeing a unique and beautiful historical building that is rare to be seen in Tokyo. In my shop they can find selected Japanese paper goods, crafted items, stationery, masking tapes, kitchen linen, some jewelry and zakka made by local artists as well as lovely items by the above mentioned international artists that are not so easily found elsewhere.

There are some really interesting museums and galleries in the neighbourhood such as Mori Art Museum, 21_21 Design Site, The National Arts Center Tokyo (they have an amazing design store downstairs!), and some great design bookstores such as TSUTAYA Tokyo RoppongiAoyama Book Center and BIBLIOPHILE at AXIS all in the walking distance. I will do an area guide post soon!

Hope you are enjoying the spring (or autumn)!!

UGUiSU the little shoppe
Room 7, 3-3-23 Azabudai Minato-ku 106-0041(location map or google map )
Open Hours: Friday & Saturday 12pm - 7pm / Sunday: 12pm - 5pm
Stations: Roppongi 1-chome (Namboku Line Exit 2), Azabu-juban (Ooedo Line Exit 6), Roppongi (Ooedo Line/Hibiya Line Exit 3)

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  1. so so so pretty. I would love to visit you and your shop!

    1. Thank you Grace!! I wish you could come visit one day too!! :)

  2. what a wonderful building! i love how the windows look like drawings of fir trees. your shop is so inviting, too. i wish to visit some day...

    1. Thank you sylvï :) Every room has different window design in this building and I love how windows in my space look like fir trees too ;)

  3. So charming, Hiki-san. Much happiness and good luck in your new "home"! Cookie

    1. Dear Cookie-san, thank you so much! I can't wait to meet you there :)

  4. I wish i could go there right now,but meanwhile it's sure i spread the word about your shop to friends who are travelling to Japan!

    1. Thank you querido diário, I really wish you could come visit in real life one day too!!

  5. I love love to visit your blog and see all of your beautiful photos! Next time I'm in Japan I'll stop by your new shop! Xoxo

    1. I'm so happy to know you enjoy coming here and enjoy my photos!! Thank you so much Karen!

  6. i'm going to japan in august— hope to say hi to you and see your beautiful shop!

    1. How wonderful!! I hope to see you in my shop in August - it's going to be VERY hot in Tokyo in August so be warned!!

  7. Hiki the new space is fantastic! But wait, does that mean your orange manekineko will not be able to visit you anymore? ):

    1. Rinaちゃん、いつもありがとう!
      Oh about that manekineko, I'm seeing her (it turned out to be HER!!!!!) all the time :)

  8. Congrats on the new space! Must stop by your shop when I hit Japan. It looks so lovely ~

    1. Thank you so much island-shii !! I hope you can come by to say hi one day if you will ever be in Tokyo ;)

  9. I'm happy for you it's really beautiful, I feel sad to have missed you.. I hope you still see the cute neko, he's so adorable :)

    1. Hi narumi, it was sad that I missed you too but I hope there is a next time! Yes I still see that cutie (who turned out to be a SHE not HE!!!!!!!!)♡


your kind words are always welcome and appreciated! arigato :)
