the crack
Every time I see this crack on my enamel container I remember the day.
It's been exactly a year today.

The fact there are still 3,155 people missing and over 340,000 people still living in the temporary housing in Tohoku is a truly painful reality, but I really hope that both these numbers will be lessened as much as, and as fast as possible.

I just want to make sure here that I have always been so grateful for all your warm wishes and the kindest words you sent for me, and prayers and supports you sent for Japan from all over the world.

Many many thanks, on the first anniversary of the March 11th disaster.

01. KOHORO - a beautiful Japanese style tableware and zakka
(addresses shown at the end of the post) januaryjanuary
02. box & needle - full of very exquisite paper boxes made in Kyoto!
(I simply can't get enough of them! They have a really great style.)january
03. Tsutaya Shoten - E-v-e-r-y-o-n-e in Tokyo was talking about this new grand book store when it opened in Daikanyama last December. Bit overwhelming but well worth a visit.january
04. My all time favourite -Baden Baden which by now you all know
if you've been reading my blog for a while :)january
05. "Do" at Claska
and last but not least, my very favourite bento shop (actually a rice shop) near my house who sell delicious home made obento only on Wednesdays.
january on utsurundesu one-use camera

All photos were taken with disposable square camera.

3-12-11 Tamagawa Setagaya-ku (google map)
3 mins from Futakotamagawa Station on Denentoshi and Oimachi lines.
Right behind Takashimaya department store.

02. box & needle
Same address to KOHORO shown above, they are located next to each other.
Both shops close on Wednesdays.

*Futakotamagawa is 2-5 minutes from Jiyugaoka on Oimachi line,
both express and local trains stop.

03. Tsutaya Shoten (Tsutaya books Daikanyama)
17-5 Sarugaku-cho, Shibuya-ku (google map)
3 mins from Daikanyama station on Toyoko line.

04. Baden Baden
2-31-7 Chuo-cho Meguro-ku Tokyo (google map)
About 5 minuite walk from Gakugeidaigaku Station on Toyoko Line.
Openin hours: 12:00~20:00 / Closed on Wednesdays


05. "Do" at Claska
1-3-18 Chuo-cho Meguro-ku Tokyo (google map)

06. Hakusan Rice Shop
3-6-10 Jiyugaoka Meguro-ku (google map)
Take away bento lunch boxes available on Wednesdays only.

januaryjanuaryjanuaryjanuary on utsurundesu one-use camerajanuary on utsurundesu one-use camerajanuary

I finally picked up my photos I took with one-use camera I bought at monogram - my favourite camera shop in Gakugeidaigaku when I went with Maria early January. No these are not instagram shots nor have they been trimmed, filtered or photoshopped but this camera takes square photos, and yes it is one of those simple disposal cameras with paper body! Not so bad are they, it was quite fun taking pictures with this camera I enjoyed it very much :)
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