instagram mexico

*California - Berkeley, San Francisco, Sausalito

Back from holidays, back to reality.... but I had such a wonderful time and I'm back all refreshed and inspired! Mexico was just so amazing and I totally fell in love with this country (or city - DF i should probably say). The 14 rolls of film I took during my holiday will come back developed soon so I will start sharing them here later! Thank you all for your kind words and wishes for my trip!!

I'm off to California and Mexico today!
I will be back here hopefully with lots of nice photos to share with you later when I'm back from my trip :)

tokyo designers week 2011

I'm not sure if my newest pal Olympus Trip35 can be my best friend now. I don't know if it is because of the photo lab who developed the film or the film I used or just me not being so good but most of the photos from my second roll of film I took didn't turn out the way I like (well obviously I am not good with focusing, and these are about the only ones that came out ok). Oh well, I guess not all relationships go so well. Nonetheless, I am enjoying November. I hope you are too :)


One of the most talked about new landmarks of Tokyo right now that will open May 2012, the TOKYO SKYTREE has released their new staff uniforms yesterday and yes they are designed by Akira Minagawa and produced by mina perhonen - my favourite Japanese designer of all time!

Mr Minagawa spent a year to design and produce these uniforms and all the process was done within Japan, from textile productions to sewing, they are all made in Japan which is one of the important things Mr Minagawa is particular about his creating philosophy. I can not wait to go and see them :)

First image ©TOKYO-SKYTREE via SO-EN online and the rest via maikomi journal.
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