One of the most talked about new landmarks of Tokyo right now that will open May 2012, the TOKYO SKYTREE has released their new staff uniforms yesterday and yes they are designed by Akira Minagawa and produced by mina perhonen - my favourite Japanese designer of all time!

Mr Minagawa spent a year to design and produce these uniforms and all the process was done within Japan, from textile productions to sewing, they are all made in Japan which is one of the important things Mr Minagawa is particular about his creating philosophy. I can not wait to go and see them :)

First image ©TOKYO-SKYTREE via SO-EN online and the rest via maikomi journal.

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  1. ooh, these are great! love the female hat and the dress with the triangles.

  2. Wow, staff uniforms with a bit of quirkiness. Can't go wrong there. I really like the fabric of the yellow dress with yellow triangles all over it.

  3. this is exactly why i love japan so much.

    ( ^;^ )

  4. Adorable! I especially like the blue & yellow dress. And that hat...so good!

    Camila Faria

  5. ooh my gosh, those are the most wonderful uniforms i have ever seen!! the colours, the retro feel... i love it!!
    i kind of wish i went to the Tokyo Sky tree! i only saw it when i was walking through Asakusa! but i also thought i went into is when me and my friend went to this OTHER building in Shinjuku, and he told me is the Sky Tree, but we were both very mistaken... HAHAH

  6. Can't wait to see the other stuff of Mr Minagawa. It has a fabulous design you made especially for the office attire. Thanks!

  7. melski, Lansell, Sundari, sylvï, naomemandeflores, Aron, and Kathacia Howard.
    Hello and thank you all for visiting my blog and leaving lovely comments! Don't you just love these uniforms? I would almost want to work there just to wear the uniform!!! :)

  8. very cute!!! i need to know more about mina perhonen now!

  9. These are wonderful!
    A kind of mix of japanese way of dressing and Tati's actors's costumes from his film "Playtime".

  10. Ooooh so lovely, I have been watching the Sky Tree grow from my window for so long now, it's great to see it finally coming together!

  11. Wauw wauw wauw, i would love to work there, just because I could wear this amazing uniforms.

  12. Hello Hiki, I found your blog by coincidence and I think it's so beutiful I will be back to follow you. I love japan and I am glad I got to know many new things here including Akira Minagawa [and Mina Perhonen] wich I did not know before. Love the collections you showed in another post. thank you :-)


your kind words are always welcome and appreciated! arigato :)
