tokyo designers week 2011

I'm not sure if my newest pal Olympus Trip35 can be my best friend now. I don't know if it is because of the photo lab who developed the film or the film I used or just me not being so good but most of the photos from my second roll of film I took didn't turn out the way I like (well obviously I am not good with focusing, and these are about the only ones that came out ok). Oh well, I guess not all relationships go so well. Nonetheless, I am enjoying November. I hope you are too :)

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  1. I really love these Hiki. I would say try a couple of different rolls first before giving up on the camera, but sometimes it's just not a match. Like me, I have a bunch of vintage cameras but my absolute favorite that I chose time and time again is my Nikon F3, 35mm. Are you using a professional lab?

  2. I would like to go tokyo one day ! :DDD

  3. Hello Jannese,
    Thank you for your kind tips, you are always so helpful and knowledgeable about photography!
    I used an ISO800 film and I have a feeling that it was better using 400. Now I feel maybe I will have another go with different film like you say! :)

  4. These are beautiful, nonetheless! You've got a great eye for composition.

  5. Hello,
    I just wanted to say that i Adore your blog, that makes me travel to Japan.
    your photos are so peaceful!

  6. Love the mood, the light, the colors. I hope you are all good hiki-san!

  7. Your posts are such a treat to view. I love how candid you are with your words and photography.

  8. Try Kodak Portra iso 400, it is the way to go, nicer effects. Unless you like things super grainy, which is cool too, 800 will give you a lot of grain. You know what's fun too, shooting a iso160 at 400, so you are overexposing the film then you can have the lab correct it by pulling the film one stop. Have fun!

  9. Are these the pics you took with your Olympus Trip35? I think they're fabulous! Not bad at all.

    Camila Faria

  10. Hi Hiki! I think the photos turned out lovely!!! I am enjoying November too but it's starting to get cold! Hope we can hang out again soon! ♥

  11. These are gorgeous photos... there's something able film photos that make them so unique... even though it may be out of focus or not the best composition, somehow it all still fits.

    I wish I knew how to take film shots! :p Where did you begin learning everything?

  12. I think your photos look wonderful!

  13. Lovely shots! Its getting colder in there perhaps, take care! :D

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  14. oh i love these! i agree, you have such an eye for composition- and even when they don't come out the way you had hoped or have their imperfections, sometimes those imperfections are what give the photo its special charm.

  15. You just need to get use to it. the same happened to me one time, my eye and hand got used to it after a couple of weeks.
    althought this ones turn out quite good. The third one cathced my eye, and the last one too.

  16. I love the colors and the polka dots in the 5th photo !

  17. I hope you try one more roll with this camera. ひきさんの写真が好き!これらも!がんばってね!
    I love the little moon in the last photo.美しい.
    I still think Hiki-san is an excellent photographer!!

  18. Hiki, I LOVE these. I think they are perfect. This seems like a beautiful November to me....I am getting so excited to come to Tokyo :) Have a great time on your trip. Take care...can't wait to see the images.


your kind words are always welcome and appreciated! arigato :)
