I received a copy of an Australian men's magazine Smith Journal from Frankie Press in the mail the other day when I had forgotten I ordered it for R a while ago.
This twice yearly publication for "discerning gents (and ladies who like reading about discerning gents)" is full of lovely photography, stories, people, fashion and gentlemanly style. This is their first issue and is quite a worthwhile read, or perhaps I should say "a bloody good read"!

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  1. The magazine looks absolutely gorgeous. Tho I am not gent I would love to get my hands on an issue.

  2. Hah "a bloody good read" that's funny. Bloody excellent! :) This magazine is really nice, and I find my boyfriend to be difficult to buy things for as he is quite picky (or maybe we have quite different tastes) so it was nice to see he was enjoying this magazine.

  3. Joy,
    Tho I am mot gent either i really enjoyed this issue it's great! :)

    yes it said "a bloody good read" in the magazine's website! ha ha. really nice mag isn't it!

  4. The magazine looks absolutely gorgeous.The pictures are cool and good! I really like visiting your blog because it's simple and entertaining.


your kind words are always welcome and appreciated! arigato :)
