It has now been long enough to be settled well into the new neighbourhood. I am now in the Meguro area, having Gakugeidaigaku, Yutenji and Musashikoyama within easy walking distance, also having Meguro and Nakameguro pretty close by. Although I've been pretty familiar with this area for a long time and I had lived in Toritsudaigaku (which is next to Gakugeidaigaku) when I was in junior school, it is really different from where I had lived before in many ways and the area feels quite different living in it.
There are many lovely shops all dotted around. There are lots more of course but here are some of my favourites shown in the above photos:
1&2: great bonsai shop sadly now closed :(
keats cafe - recommended for vegetarians! (also for non-vegetarians)
digawel - great little shop for men&womens clothing
8: one of many cute little shop continuously found along Meguro-dori street which is known as "interior shop street"
9: boiserie - very French gallery shop by orne de feuilles
10: trasparente - my fave bakery (they make really good baguettes!)
Will share more later!