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It's been pretty cold in Tokyo lately, can't believe the first month of the new year is almost gone and another is about to arrive. It seems that lots have happened in January, it's been fun :) Images include the cutest package arrived from oly, lovely handmade vase by polkaros, my favourite canelé from local patisserie, package from tas-ka, and more fun winter moments captured!
Now I think I am ready to welcome February.
The latest seasonal book from minä perhonen 紋黄蝶 "we", apparently the 10th issue this season it's more like a company or brand's introduction book rather than a collection book. It shows scenes from their new collection making process at factories and their important craftspeople and artisans who are behind this extraordinary Japanese fashion brand minä perhonen with beautiful black and white photography by L.A.TOMARI along with some new items from the spring/summer 2012 collection.

So so beautifully made, just as everything else they produce, from their textiles, garments, accessories, shop spaces, printed matter.... I can not love more about every tiniest detail of their creations!

P.S. If you like mina perhonen, do check out the current issue of ku:nel magazine!
january 2012january 2012january 2012january 2012january 2012january 2012january 2012january 2012january 2012january 2012january 2012january 2012january 2012january 2012january 2012
The very first roll of film of the new year is from a wonderful day I had with lovely Maria. On a very cold but beautiful day, starting off at Nakameguro station we walked through to Daikanyama and back to Nakameguro for a nice warm lunch, a quick train ride to Gakugeidaku for more strolling around taking photos and visiting my favourite shops and then popping on the bus to show her the mina perhonen shops (seriously my very favourite shops in Tokyo) finishing off with nice cups of hot chocolate. What a jolly good day it was and I was so happy to meet another of my lovely blog friends! Danke maria :)
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I love the winter light and shadows.
I had the pleasure of meeting up with lovely Maria who was in Tokyo last week (I will post about our wonderful day soon) and I could finally have the copy of frankie in my hand, the issue my interview is in, which Maria so kindly brought from Australia via Germany for me! I had seen what it looks like from the screen shots from Jannese and snap shots from Ebo-chan (who is largely featured in the same issue!) which two lovely ladies both so sweetly sent for me, but it is again really nice to actually see the copy :)

The 3 images that has me in them are taken by Aron from Make it Easy which he took from our bike riding adventure back in October. Thank you so much Aron for letting me use your photographs for this interview!!!

P.S. I didn't realise this was my first post in 2012!! oops! I hope you all had a wonderful start to the new year and wish you all the best for 2012! I really hope this year will be without fear and sorrow but so much more laughter and happiness for all of us around the globe.

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