january 2012january 2012january 2012january 2012january 2012january 2012january 2012january 2012january 2012january 2012january 2012january 2012january 2012january 2012january 2012
The very first roll of film of the new year is from a wonderful day I had with lovely Maria. On a very cold but beautiful day, starting off at Nakameguro station we walked through to Daikanyama and back to Nakameguro for a nice warm lunch, a quick train ride to Gakugeidaku for more strolling around taking photos and visiting my favourite shops and then popping on the bus to show her the mina perhonen shops (seriously my very favourite shops in Tokyo) finishing off with nice cups of hot chocolate. What a jolly good day it was and I was so happy to meet another of my lovely blog friends! Danke maria :)

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  1. Hi! I miss Tokio soo much. I was there only once in my life and for just 3 days (too short). It's lovely to visit your blog and see your pictures/tips with special places I would have probably never encounter on my own. Thanks for sharing. :-)

  2. JEALOUS JEALOUS JEALOUS!!!!!!!!! sounds like such a fun day Hiki-san!

  3. わああ~!楽しそう!いつかひきさんと会いたいです。また、買い物に行きます。

  4. Oh, I wished I was there too!!
    beautiful pictures!

  5. Your photos are always so lovely... I'm sure you've mentioned it somewhere before... but what kind of camera did you use to take these photos?

    Looks like a great start to a new year!

    1. these photos were taken with olympus trip35 :)

  6. Hiki I love to see our day through your eyes. Thank you thank you again!, big smiles from Sydney :)

  7. awwwww... i love them all...they make me happy and sad. Sad only because I miss Nakameguro sooooo much, that's where I was staying last time I was in Tokyo. Beautiful shots Hiki!

  8. Beautiful photos :) what camera do you use?

  9. sounded like such a lovely day!

  10. what a nice way to spend the day in the city! sounded like fun :)

  11. That first photo of the general store is just simply perfect. What awesome photo walks you two went on!

  12. Looks like a lovely day! :) I miss Japan

  13. Your blog is fantastic and I just want to leave a footprint behind me.

    Peace & Light

    Agneta, a swedish one ,)

  14. oh, what fun! it must have been wonderful to explore the city together, and it seems as if you had some wonderful winter sun out!

  15. aww that sounds like a wonderful time!
    its so nice to meet people! and you are such a great friend to anyone of us who visit Tokyo <3
    just hearing those little city names is so natsukashii since they were the train stops to toritsudaigaku!!

    ooh, i had a small story to tell you Hiki san!
    yesterday and my job, i was helping a Japanese customer and she asked me why i can speak Japanese well, and i told her about my experiences and also that i was staying in Toritsudaigaku... and it turns out that since she has been living in Hawaii for 11 years now, she was born and raised in Toritsudaigaku too!!!! she was soooo bukkuri and happy when i told her, she was jumping up and down smiling! HAHAH it was sooo special and happy moment :-)

  16. always enjoy your beautiful shots & adventures. thank you for sharing!

    p.s. also, lovely article in frankie! it was a fun to read about the person behind jollygoo. :)

  17. just saw Maria's picture over at her blog and now yours... great shots! looks like you two had a wonderful day exploring together!!

  18. I love the composition in all of your photos!

  19. Your blog and photos are great - can really see the passion and attention to detail in everything you do.


your kind words are always welcome and appreciated! arigato :)
