So, the 3 days in California went by so fast yet I think we did pretty well eating-wise :) I left San Francisco with an enormous excitement along with anxiety. As I always feel whenever arriving to a place out of Japan for the first time, or probably more so than ever, I was feeling extremely nervous especially because we arrived Mexico City in the night time. Because everyone says (or thinks) Mexico is dangerous, right?

We bought the ticket and got on the taxi, none of us spoke much including the driver all the way from the airport to our hotel, there was some kind of tension in the air (I get super nervous, way too much sometimes I know!). Anyway, we arrived at our hotel smoothly and we were greeted by a lovely staff who made us feel as if arriving to his own home. When we saw his gentle smile we realised we were so hungry and tired after all the travelling including over an hour and half of waiting in line at the custom at the airport. So we had our dinner at our hotel, in their lovely dining area in the courtyard. It was so peaceful and quiet there, we couldn't see what was like outside but I couldn't stop smiling, I finally made it to Mexico and that was really exciting!

The photos are from the following morning, from San Angel where they have a cute market only on Saturday. By the time we got there, I was already in love with this city.

(more posts from mexico will follow!)

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  1. I can totally understand, I get extremely nervous when I arrive at a new place, especially when there are a lot of people around. I think this is only normal, well that's what I tell myself anyway.

    I'm glad you love Mexico, it's on my travel wish list.

  2. The market looks awesome! I need to get to Mexico some day.

  3. These photos is so cute. Have a nice trip!

  4. lovely colors! I'm so close to Mexico, but still haven't ventured down. These make me really want to go.

  5. I just have to tell you that I just watched the movie Toilet that you wrote about a while ago, and it was brilliant! Feel free to give more movie tips in the future :D

  6. So beautiful!! We have many shops and stores like these where I live, because my city is very close to Mexico. I love the little Virgin de Guadalupe. You probably saw a lot of her because Christmas is so close!
    I look forward to see more photos from your trip ♥

  7. im in love either, just by looking at these lovely photos! x

  8. such pretty photos! i always complain because i can never quite photograph this city (mexico city) as nicely as i want to. i'm probably too used to it. anyway, it would have been lovely to meet you while you were in town! maybe next time!

    p.s. i used to post over at :)


your kind words are always welcome and appreciated! arigato :)
