Finally, here are some photos from Kagoshima....
Sakurajima getting so active. It's one of the world's most active volcanoes, it's a great symbol of Kagoshima too. I took a ferry over to Sakurajima and drove around it in my last visit to Kagoshima - it was pretty amazing.

Terukuni Shrine. I like the area around here, I didn't go this time but Sengan-en (Iso Gardens) which is right next to this shrine is really lovely.

Sun was so strong in Kagoshima.

Every time I passed this department store Maruya Gardens I smiled :)

I had been wanting to visit this coffee shop which we regularly buy coffee beans from if we go to Kagoshima one day! So happy to have made it!!

Such a wonderful little place, people are so kind, had the best cappuccino I've ever had in a long while. Voila Coffee, the best!

Exploring the old warehouse area near the port.

Very nice shop and cafe set up in one of the old warehouses in the area, GOOD NEIGHBORS by Landscape Products.


Very random, but it was such a quick trip these are about all I could explore in very little time I had in Kagoshima I went last month. It was not really a holiday but still I got to enjoy it.
All were very good and here are some information to share:

Voila Coffee
2-2 Higashi-sengoku-cho Kagoshima-shi

Maruya Gardens (Department store)
6-5 Gofuku-cho Kagoshima-shi
Check out D&Department and Chin Jukan Pottery Store on 4th floor as well as the organic vegetable stall on the basement (weekend only).

GOOD NEIGBORS (Cafe/shop/gallery)
7-1 Sumiyoshi-cho Kagoshima-shi

Remm Kagoshima (Hotel)
Very convenient location, reasonable, clean, modern and only 3 minutes walk from Voila Coffee!

Kumaso Tei (restaurant)
Good place to experience the Satsuma local traditional cuisine.

Sengan-en (Iso Gardens)
9700-1Yoshinocho, Kagoshima City, 892-0871, Japan


Kagoshima is a really lovely place, I hope to go back again for longer and more relaxed holiday!

By the way, if you are planning to travel to Japan you can not miss Alice's amazing travel journey she made in Japan earlier this year, she shares her experience and addresses of all the incredible places she went to such as Naoshima, Teshima, Takamatsu, Okinawa and Tokyo with her beautiful photographs!
Check out her lovely blog Quaint Living!

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  1. what a nice trip Hiki !! I love the shrine and the voila coffee place :)

  2. Definitely, I have to go to Japan. And I love the main gate and the cup they have in Voila coffee!!

  3. Thanks so much for the mention!! It looks like you had a nice trip too.

    By the way I was sad that I couldn't come by your shop on the weekend we were in Tokyo, we were staying fairly nearby to it but were off with relations all that weekend :/


    1. Alice, I tried to leave a comment a while ago on your blog but didn't work, I really enjoyed going through your Japan posts!! They are really great guide too I will surely be referring to it if I ever make it down South!!!

      It would've been so lovely if you could come to my shop and to meet you but I know how it makes it hard for some people to visit because I'm only open 3 days! Hopefully next time....!!!

  4. I was looking up Kagoshima recently when I last saw on instagram about the recent eruption! how interesting to live in front of such a active volcano!
    was there ash in the air? or how is the atmosphere different?

    and that department store with the garden walls is so cute!!

  5. wow your summer looks really beautiful!!! x


your kind words are always welcome and appreciated! arigato :)
