I have updated my shop and now there are lots of new stuff available including cute Japanese stencil print goodies by Kyoto-based artist Mihoko Seki. All from Classiky, a Japanese maker known for beautiful Crafts and Designs by Japanese Artisans.Very delicate letterpress cards and little letterpress label books.
Really cute hanko (stamps)!
Lots more new Japanese Masking Tapes!
That's it for now, thank you!!

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  1. The porcelain stamps are so adorable !

    I am looking at all the wonderful goodies in your shop now. I hope to make a purchase soon !

  2. wow! these look so cool. i'll have to explore your shop more. i am thinking about starting a shop as well, please come by and participate in the giveaway to help me kick it off!

  3. Yay I love the new Classiky masking tape! So so sweet!
    Hope you are having a happy Wednesday!
    Love Love
    Hello Sandwich

  4. WOW.
    I shall not have a look at it.

  5. omg, those tapes are just to die for!
    I wish I could purchase it one day.

  6. lovely, lovely. brilliant tape.

  7. Hello Christy,
    Thank you for visiting my blog and my shop! Those stamps are really cute aren't they ;)

    Hello Anna,
    You're starting a shop too? That's exciting!!! I must go visit your blog to check out the giveway!!

    Hello Ebony-chan,
    Classiky's masking tapes are hontouni kawaii yo ;)
    Have a lovely Thursday to you!

    Hello Marion,
    hehe, please DO have a good look ;)

    Hello Farhana Zain,
    Thank you for visiting!! Yes, those tapes are very nice :)

    Hello Ulrika,
    Hello lottie,
    Thank you, those tapes are Japanese stencil prints and very nice indeed ;)

  8. Konnichiwa ! I've just discovered your pretty blog via Olivelse's blog. I'm sure i will come here often because I love Japan (I've been there 3 times) and your pictures are beautiful!

  9. Hello littlemokuyoubi-san!
    Konnichiwa, thank you for discovering my blog!! wow you've been in Japan 3 times!? that's really cool!

    Hello at swim-two-birds,
    Thank you!!!!

  10. lovely blog & beautiful shop...
    i will comme back...


your kind words are always welcome and appreciated! arigato :)
