Another photo set - patterned floors. Doesn't really seem to relate to Japan, but they were all taken in and around Tokyo ;)

It's Friday morning here, boiling hot! Hope you will have a great weekend!
And thank you so much for visiting my shop, arigato♪ Lovely Dawn of +handmadelove+ has done a great post for my shop so do check her wonderful blog too!

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  1. i really like the way you see things.! :D

  2. wonderful!!!! and your shop just keeps getting better and better - i am soooo happy:)

  3. Awesome floor patterns. You're right, can't even tell they were all taken in Japan.

  4. That staircase photo reminds me of one in a friend's apartment in Paris. I can hardly believe yours was taken in Japan.

  5. Hi essie.L,
    Thank you for such a sweet comment! I like your photos too ;)

    Hi Bree,
    What a wonderful thing to hear!!! There are so many more things I want to include in my shop but I'm starting with light-weight and non-breakable stuff :)

    Hi jen!
    Yea I know! I'm glad i mentioned where they were taken ;)

    Hi mizu designs,
    Yes it's actually a shop (first 2 images), but it's very much like as if it came from Southern France.

  6. it's interesting to see that tiled floors also exist in japan.
    you're right they do look like they come from the south of france. in montpellier some of the older buildings have the most beautiful floors, such as these..

  7. your pictures are so nices !!!!!!!!!
    i have the same floor, here, in Provence :-)

  8. The first picture is like the floor in my hallway at home.
    The second like the floor in the entire appartment.
    Amazing to know we can find these in Japan. So great !

  9. I have a weakness for patterned floors so thank you for this indulgence. Can't help but be attracted to the crochet throw on the chair too.

  10. Hi Mary,
    Thank you for the links to your beautiful photos! Those tiles in my photos must came from southern France.

    Hi capucineyao,
    Thank you for your lovely comment! How wonderful it must be to have such beautiful tiled floor in your own home!

    Hi Marion,
    I'm now pretty sure these tiles came from France. I am so jealous you have such beautiful tiled floors in your place!

    Hi Tommy,
    crochet throw on the chair, yes you have good eyes! ;)

  11. these photos are so beautiful!!!! but when i have to choose one, i will pick the bleu patterned 'tapis plein' mmmmmmmm

  12. beautiful!
    i just found your shop and your blog, and then back to your shop for the masking tape book,
    can't wait:)

  13. Oooh...delicious! That second photo reminds me of some places we lived in France when I was small. I can almost feel and even smell those wonderful tiles. Just luscious.

  14. Mmm, love patterned floors. One day I want a tiled one just like in your first photo.

  15. oh hiki, i see that i've missed so many beautiful things during my vacation ;-)
    love these floors, they look very french!!


your kind words are always welcome and appreciated! arigato :)
