Well, I think I wrote in the last post that I had loaded a new roll of film nice and fresh just as the new year started. I did mean that and I felt really motivated.....until I found out that the film had not been set properly and what I thought had photographed never existed. I don't know how many more times I will do this, if you take film photos I am sure you know how it feels when this happens. And you can not blame anyone or anything for this to happen except yourself.

So I loaded the film again, paying extra attention this time and really finally I have the first set of photos from this year. I can't remember what I had seen and captured (or so I thought I did) originally, you can never take the same photos again. The first shrine visit on the New Year's Day and all the special things from New Year - my favourite celebration in the year is kept in my memory, which is also nice I suppose. The pretty mimosa that kept me amused outside my windows, I can keep that in my heart until next year. I have all the things to look forward to and that is nice. New Year was gone, mimosa was gone and it was a bit too early for sakura so I just took random shots of everyday things around home, of little things that make me smile each day. Days are getting longer, air is getting warmer and it is a fun and loving season in Tokyo right now. Hope you are all having a wonderful April.

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