As I mentioned in the previous post, this year I had one of the most memorable sakura viewing ohanami experiences ever in Kamakura with my Hawaiian friend Aron. We had planned it from a week earlier and the weather was going to be okay however the day started raining. Still according to the weather forecast the rain was supposed to stop around lunch time so I thought "good" and didn't need to wear my gum boots "good".

We met in Kamakura just before lunch time but it was still raining. There was no way we could have a picnic up in the mountain where we were going to go so we decided to have lunch before we start our journey, or adventure more like. At this point I still thought that the rain will stop by the time we have eaten. Luckily I remembered this cafe called OXIMORON which I always wanted to check out but always forgot about when I went to Kamakura so there we went.

I didn't even know what kind of food they serve here, but it was a curry place. It was so nice. Beautiful space with great light coming in, even on a rainy day it was really lovely. Pity I didn't take a photo of the cafe space! The above photo is their little shop space at the front where they sell beautiful Japanese tablewares and zakka. The food was divine, I really enjoyed my curry with full of fresh herbs on top: coriander, mitsuba, shiso (ooba) and spring onion. DELICIOUS!

Tableware they use in this cafe was designed by one of my favourite porcelain artists Yumiko Iihoshi (I posted about her work and then shop here) and this series is named OXIMORON, the name of the cafe. I love this OXIMORON series so much and I always wanted to find out what this place is like which Yumiko Iihoshi made the series of tablewares for. So that was really great too.

It was still raining when we were leaving this place. Actually, it looked much worse. But anyway we kept on going as planned, to go on hiking in the pouring rain!
It was the Genjiyama Park we headed, where is known as one of the most beautiful and popular sakura spots around. Well, not on the day like this obviously.

But, it was worth it!

When we reached up on the mountain I received a notification on my phone.


It was seriously raining, was probably the best and the worst day to come here, we laughed. Hahaha. We almost continued to take even more serious hiking course but we were not crazy enough to keep going and instead we decided to just head back the way we came down to the city.

I don't know how it happened (must have been my choice) but we then took the cute Enoden tram/train to nowhere and then walked back to Kamakura in. the. pouring. rain. along the beach.

We may have picked the worst day ever for all these but it was really fun. Thank you for the wonderful and crazy company Aron! Let's do this again! (NOT) hahaha, well on a nicer day.

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  1. I've actually passed by OXIMORON every time I went to Kamakura, but never got to try it out. There are just so many cute restaurant and cafes there, it's impossible to go to all of them x_x;

    I love all of your photos :D! And even though the weather was awful, it looked like you two had an awesome time.

    1. I too had passed by oximoron and not gone into for a long time, but am so glad I did (this was actually because of the rain!). I hope you get to try it soon :)

  2. Replies
    1. yes, it actually was quite beautiful in the rain (and in the photos they look pretty!)

  3. Even in the rain, I would have liked to walk and eat at this lovely restaurant with you ; )

    1. You would love this place Sandrine! And yes how lovely would it be to eat there with you ;)

  4. hiki this is a lovely post, and even it was raining the pictures looks so pretty, this makes my day even starts in a good way. and yesterday my day started good aswell, because the little book i ordered was in my mailbox, i am really happy with it and i wish you a lovely weekend ❊

    1. Thank you Lotte! So nice to know you enjoyed the post, and hope you are liking the yellow book too :)

  5. こんにちはひきさん!お元気?

    1. リナちゃんこんにちは!元気ですよ。

  6. Ah, these photos are so lovely, it really seems like such a memorable trip! (Especially enjoying your photo of the cafe~) Thanks for sharing your photos/trip experience xx

    1. It surely was a memorable trip :) And yes the cafe was really nice!!

  7. Hiki san!
    Your film photos turned out so beautiful!!!!
    it's so funny reading back about our day on your blog and all the crazy things that happened that day! It really was an adventure!! Also, remember that tea shop we went to and the guy who worked there was kind of grumpy... but it also had the cinnamon plant with the pink leaves!!!
    Anyway, thank you for this post. I loved it! cheer's to rainy sakura adventures!!!

    1. Hey Aron!
      It was fun and crazy wasn't it. And yes the cinnamon plant with the pink fresh leaves were really amazing! And the guy...yes hahaha!

  8. These are so wonderful. I think the rain made it even more special :)

    1. Hi & thank you famapa. Yes I think that the rain actually worked well to make the day more memorable and also for the photos ;)


your kind words are always welcome and appreciated! arigato :)
