A couple of weeks ago I had a roll of film developed finally after so long. I think it was October last year when I loaded that film, or so I thought. Negatives came out all blank and there was nothing there. There was a lot of fun things happening in autumn, I met up with many lovely people I met through my blog and took pictures here and there. I was excited to be finally sharing them here but there is nothing.....

Oh well, I hope this will not happen again. Must be more careful.

The photo is from a lovely little art supply store in Nihonbashi called Yubendo. Obviously it was closed on the day I went, I quite liked how it looked when the store is closed, looked as nice as when it's open.

p.s. Today I've been playing Priscilla Ahn's new album that has just been released, This is where we are, it's really nice and I love it. You can watch the videos on her website :)

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  1. Hello hiki! I've been reading your blog for almost three years now and absolutely adore your photos! May I know which film camera you use? Thank you ^^

    1. Hello kochimacha, thank you for checking out my blog for so long and for your kind words about my photos. I use about 4 different cameras for the photos I share on my blog, but film cameras are Fuji natura black, Canon AV-1 and Minolta X700!

  2. Awww I hate it when that happens! :( sometimes when I shoot film for some reason maybe the shutter doesn't open up fully but I get photos that are half black... some rolls of film are completely fine then others have that problem... but I guess that's the part of the excitement/anguish of shooting film eh? ;p I can't wait to see more of your photos!


your kind words are always welcome and appreciated! arigato :)
