October seems it's far gone but I wanted to post something about it while I can still call it last month.

This October was the 12th month for my shop since I opened it last year (yes it turned 1!!). I am amazed at the number of people who come in to my shop and say "I read your blog!" and every time I get that I feel so happy (even if they have only looked at it for just a second) :) I have met so many of my blog friends and my dear customers from the web shop from all over the world and I am really happy that now I have this place where people can come visit me and my shop, and of course I'm very grateful  that everyone takes their time to visit. I really appreciate all your wonderful support and encouragements I receive through my blog here too. Arigatou gozaimasu!

There is so much I want to tell you about all the fun and beautiful people I met and things that happened around me last month but I have to leave it till later when I have a bit more time. I've been a real workaholic these days I hope to get through this mountain of  w o r k .  I hope you are all enjoying the change of the seasons.


instagram pics from top left: 1. rainbow spotted after a gigantic typhoon passing / 2. stopping for lunch at my very favourite cafe ikanika / 3. enjoying the autumn light / 4. shot from a quick stroll around Nihonbashi / 5. cute ceramic works by polkaros (who will be having an exhibition next month in Tokyo!) and good morning birds / 6. one of the cutest little train stations I came across in Tokyo / 7. my first primoeza sweater ♡ (check out the wonderful new collection soon to be available at elizabeth's primoeza shop) / 8. makoto kagozhima exhibition at doinel / 9. lovely rainy afternoon spent at baishinka (yakumo saryo) - so funny i picked exactly the same sweet from my last visit!!

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  1. Beautiful photos! :-) And congratulations on a one year old shop!

  2. 1年おめでとうございます!I'm very happy for you Hiki-san! ^^
    I hope I can visit your shop someday. 楽しみにしています。♥ ♥

    1. Rinaちゃん、いつもありがとう!
      I hope you can come visit my shop one day too!!

  3. Happy birthday to your lovely shop, I wish you a lot of success :)
    Is the cute neko still coming ?

    1. Thank you Narumi! Actually, I have not seen that cute neko for a while now and missing her a lot! Hope she comes back!!


your kind words are always welcome and appreciated! arigato :)
