May in Tokyo is really lovely. Flowers all blooming and young leaves shining, we get hot summery days with cool evenings that are perfect for night walks and drinks out on the balcony. I just keep wishing Tokyo's summer will always be like this. But... I just heard on the radio that the Rainy Season has settled in Tokyo today. No way! It's still May :( Like how cherry blossoms started to pop out weeks early, rainy season came weeks early too! I love hydrangeas in rainy season though, they look so pretty in the rain, don't you think?

Instagram photos:
01. Dash of red - I had to stop my hands to get my phone to take this while sweeping the entrance of my shop. / 02. Anthology magazines sent for my shop for people to browse through by the kindest Cookie-san!  / 03. Adorable card set designed by Michelle who came to visit me in my shop :) / 04. Mexican Embroidery in the afternoon sun. / 05. Gorgeous gift from Mogu-chan - she sent me the original artwork of what she did from seeing that cat on my instagram as a surprise! / 06. Beautiful paper cords from

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  1. Wr are having the coldest Spring since the 19 th century,here in Portugal :/
    It's raining and when it's not raining the wind is so cold - i want 'real' Spring back!
    Pretty things in your instagrams <3

  2. Arriving in Tokyo next week just at the beginning of June for a week and a half - how do you think the weather will be like? A little nervous and don't know what to pack!

  3. 刺繍をしていますか?私はしています!上手じゃないけどたのしいです。
    I planted some hydrangeas a few months ago. They haven't bloomed yet, but I would love to see them in the rain.

  4. I was in tokyo last week for a week and for the first time (such a wonderfully quaint city) ! you were right, the weather was perfect and we had only a day of light rain. hope to pop by your little shoppe the next time I'm in japan : )


your kind words are always welcome and appreciated! arigato :)
