photo by mieke verbijlen

photo by mieke verbijlen

photo by mieke verbijlen

photo by mieke verbijlen

photo by mieke verbijlen

photo by mieke verbijlen

photo by mieke verbijlen

photo by mieke verbijlen

All above photos copyright mieke verbijlen. Used with her permission.

Some of the first images I saw this morning were Mieke's photographs that have been newly added to her website. I am so inspired by her work and feel so happy to be able to start a day feeling like this. Love how Mieke captures moments and lights in her friends' apartments, how she captures "real life" through her lens. Thank you Mieke for the inspiration, as always!

* * *

今日は朝からmiekeの写真にたくさんニンマリさせられ、インスピレーションをもらいました。mieke verbijlenはベルギーのアントワープで活躍する若いフォトグラファー。友達のアパートを撮影した彼女の写真シリーズが私は大好きです。「ありのまま」の生活と空間を切りとった彼女の写真は、やさしくあたたかくシュール、そしてウィットに富んでいて見るもののの心をぐっと掴むのですね。ちょっと散らかったデスクや、山積みになった洗濯物さえ絵になってしまうって、いいなあ。
mieke verbijlen

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  1. Thank you for sharing these, Hiki! Such a wonderful collection of images - I couldn't stop looking. Totally made my day :)

    1. Hi Olga, I'm glad these images made your day just like they did mine :) Mieke's photos are so lovely.

  2. Replies
    1. my pleasure mieke, i really love your photos :)


your kind words are always welcome and appreciated! arigato :)
