rose bakery @ dover street market ginza
rose bakery @ dover street market ginza
dover street market ginza
Rose Bakery opened their third shop in Tokyo at the much talked-about (over 300 people lined up to get here on their opening day apparently!) Dover Street Market Ginza last March, after many months I finally got the chance to get there last month. (and finally posting these here)

If you are a fashion guru or just love COMME des GARÇONS you will really enjoy this place - 6 floors full of latest clothing! It's more like a clothing museum really, it's amazing. Finishing your tour at the Rose Bakery on the top floor will give you a good relief, their carrot cake is always the best!

Also, right behind the DSMG you will find beer bar lupulin  where you can enjoy great Japanese craft beer (Microbrewery)! (See this post for more info about this beer bar)

Dover Street Market Ginza
1st - 6th Floor Ginza Komatsu West, 6-9-5, Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0061 (google map)

Rose Bakery at DSMG
7th floor Komatsu West, 6-9-5, Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0061



As I get many questions regarding shops & cafes recommendation for Tokyo, I made a page where all the shops, cafes and galleries are listed by area linked to the past posts. I hope it will be useful for Tokyo visitors!!
Recently, on instagram

Earlier this morning we had little more snow in Tokyo, it's been a really cold winter. Nothing is left on ground any more though, sipping tea and looking at the beautiful clear blue sky up there out the window on Monday morning - very nice.

I had a really delicious & fun weekend, on Saturday I was invited to "let's open the miso crock feast" where we opened a miso crock which had been let sit down under the sink for a whole year in the host's kitchen. I had never seen the miso crock, or never had real homemade miso that fresh right out of the crock before - it. was. amazing! We had really good sake from Toyama while tasting the fresh miso with beautifully cooked meals it was all very delicious. (followed by more sake + good food on Sunday)

How was your weekend? I hope you had a great one and keeping warm! My feet are kept nice and warm with my new room socks I got from mieke willems :)

Happy Monday to all!

This one is from the same roll of film as those blue photo (the one with glasses) in the previous post, much more fresh and perky isn't it. Better suited for the start of a new week :)

Happy Monday to you all!



A Q&A I did with Inside Out is here! (Yipee)
It snowed A LOT in Tokyo yesterday, it was one of the heaviest snowy days we've ever had. In my childhood days we used to get this much snow once or twice every winter in Tokyo but not for a long time! It was so pretty to look at, I love how all the everyday scenes turn so white and different. Now I hear everyone shoveling the snow outside, maybe I should do that too.....or maybe I will go and make a nice cup of tea and look at the melting snow out the window.
Tea wins.

Take care and stay warm everyone!

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