summer 2012
summer 2012
summer 2012
summer 2012
summer 2012
summer 2012
summer 2012
summer 2012

Strong summer sunshine and the extreme heat are still around. Tokyo summer and I never get along. But I must admit that I do love the summer lights -especially the late afternoon sun- and summer greens, a lot.

Lots have been happening around here, all happening so fast. I will tell you all about it soon, hopefully before summer ends.

Happy Late Summer to you all!

Summer, on Instagram.
Yes it's summer. August in Tokyo is probably the least fave month, the heat and extreme humidity take away all my energy... but actually the last couple of days have been actually quite nice and I wish it will always like this the entire month.

This morning I thought of Nagasaki. I thought of my grandparents who were there so close in the city, as newlyweds, who saw the flash and the blackness, who then survived. I thought of what happened there 67 years ago. Made my heart ache.

Listening to Priscilla Ahn makes me feel calm.

Happy Summer to you all♡
One afternoon during the rainy season, I had the pleasure of meeting the lovely Hanna and Jukka from Finland.
I had known Hanna from this exhibition I went to 2 years ago at biotope (it was in Gakugeidaigaku then but now moved) which Hanna had with another amazing illustrator Hana Akiyama called "Hana to Hanna". Though I didn't get to meet Hanna then, I had been a fan of her works since so I was very happy to meet up with her and Jukka whom we'd known each other on instagram! We had a nice lunch at my favourite cafe ikanika.

Hanna brought me a treat from Finland, the cute packaged lollies AND one of her gorgeous prints AND a set of beautiful post cards!! How lucky am I??? If you are in Japan you can now buy her post cards from Gallerie Doux Dimanche in Aoyama or in Jiyugaoka or from their online shop here so please check it out!
I had also bought this sweet tea towel of Hanna's from NAPA books, which I LOVE!

Kiitos Hanna and Jukka :-)

P.S. You may have noticed but I have a "new face" for my blog now (as well as for my shop blog) :) Also I now have a facebook page where I share what I hope to be useful information on Tokyo, about shops, cafes and exhibitions etc., so please join me here also! Arigato :)
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