September had still been really hot in Tokyo until last weekend, but this huge typhoon that just went through seems to have brought the cool change. It was the biggest typhoon I had ever seen and it did a lot of damage in the west part of Japan and caused panic in Tokyo last night. It was really scary but phew it's gone!

I couldn't update my blog for long as I had been swamped with work. Life is not much fun when work takes too much of it, when work gets too much to enjoy :( So tonight I went over some of the photos I had taken this summer and posted them to remember the fun bits of the past month or so, before summer goes far away. My niece was here from Sendai during her school holidays and we laughed a lot. It was colourful too :)

I hope you are having a lovely autumn (or spring)!

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  1. Beautiful & colourful photos :)

  2. * Glad you had time to steal a few moments to dive back in good memories... Those "breathing pauses" are SO indispensable sometimes. Especially when the year is about to go through its coldest months i think...
    Have a nice enriching autumn***

  3. わああきれいな!夏祭りですか?かわいいね!

  4. Ohhh I'm sorry to hear about the typhoon, but I'm glad you're safe! I love the photo with all the ultraman blow-up dolls. :]

  5. janis,
    Thank you so much, I was always complaining how hot it was but now I kind of miss summer!

    Bonjour Juliette,
    Merci :) Hope you have a beautiful autumn too!


    Ah yes! ultraman blow-up dolls!! ;)
    Have a happy week to you!

  6. Great! Glad you had time to steal a few moments to dive back in good memories.I love the photo with all the ultraman blow-up dolls.Thanks for sharing.

  7. I like the photos that you shared. Ohh so sad to hear about the typhoon, but I'm glad you're safe!

  8. I am so glad you are okay!

    My, it's already cold and autumn-ish in Hokkaido on the beginning of September!


your kind words are always welcome and appreciated! arigato :)
