All images are from
minä perhonen's website has just been renewed with a fresh look and now they have an online shop "metsä"! I think you know by now if you have been following my blog for a while how obsessed I am with minä perhonen but I just love everything about them. The new website is again designed and developed in a very simple form, it is just very pleasant to look at. Unfortunately they don't ship outside Japan, but you can look at their beautiful clothes. Enjoy! :)

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  1. beautiful patterns! the first shirt is my favorite : )

  2. I think I would live in that yellow skirt if I could!

  3. just found your blog and am loving it. i did a study abroad in kyoto 5 years ago and miss japan so so much. your images are gorgeous. thanks so much for sharing :)

  4. oh! those burgundy tights with leaves... my life is not complete without them... and having just come back from metsä, picking berries and mushrooms, this just made me smile.

    (^ u ^)

  5. Those leggings are so cute! I love the colours all these pieces.

  6. Oooh thank you, again, for your blog (i must have written you that 50 times already...), and thanks a thousand times for bringing that metsä to my attention... Or maybe i shouldn't thank you, after all. I've been obsessed by Minä Perhonen since forever too, and now i'm going to be so even more...

  7. I'm obsessed with them too! What a great design aesthetic :)

  8. I loved looking at the website. Too bad they do not ship outside of Japan.
    ) :
    Next time I visit Japan, I will have to stop by this store.

  9. Love their coloring <3. Their shop looks cute, too. The brand is unique and it really inspired me. Thank for your post ^^

  10. love your blog.
    greetings from helsinki :)

  11. that first top is absolutely divine!

  12. I love those clothes and the tights are so funny ! Too bad we can't buy any in Paris :(

  13. They're all great, but I love the 1st and 2nd shirt the most! Also the socks, gotta love socks

  14. lovely clothes! i bet someone already told about the name of the brand, but i still must do it! it was really weird to notice finninsh name for japanise brand! good! it is funny that we finns has someway similar sense of eastecity as you japanise do! so all the best from finland!


  15. Beautiful patterns!I love the 1st and 2nd shirt the most! Love their coloring too.

  16. Great!Those leggings and socks are so cute! I love the colours all these pieces.Thanks for sharing.

  17. This is the most blog that i'm so shocked because when i see the style of the cloths its perfect..Thank you for sharing this site ;)

  18. There is a store here in Seoul that sells it and I am kind of shocked at the prices... and the online shop just proves how expensive it is. I wish it were more available at reasonable prices...

  19. Dear Anonymous,
    Yes their price is set quite high, but to think how their pieces are made so carefully and thoughtfully manufactured by the best work people all made in Japan, it is quite understandable. Their textile is really exceptional. Of course I wish they were more reasonable so I can buy them without any hesitation though!


your kind words are always welcome and appreciated! arigato :)
