Recently, on Instagram. #2
asagao (morning glory) from potted garden
"green-curtain" growing
spider web after the rain
spider web
"ho-o-zuki" (Chinese lantern plant)

We've had a few cooler days last week and it was really great my plants seem to have enjoyed a nice break from the extreme sun too. I secretly wished that the summer will just end like that but it doesn't work that way we still have to put up with the awful summer in Tokyo for a bit longer before autumn arrives. I really can't wait till when summer finally ends.
beer afternoon
beer time
pain perdu @ haru haru
pain perdu
celebrating friend's birthday @ A to Z
on the fifth floor
on the fifth floor
mexican dinner
mexican dinner
"after-hour salary-man"
afterhour salaryman

thank you so much for those who bought my zine!!!!

shibaura house
shibaura house

SHIBAURA HOUSE is one of the latest and the most exciting architecture you can find in Tokyo today. Opened earlier this month, SHIBAURA HOUSE was designed by Sejima Kazuyo of SANAA (it's not a work by SANAA, a little confusing I think) for a printing company as their new office / community space to share with the people in the local area of Shibaura (Tamachi). I was only able to be on the ground floor which apparently is going to be a cafe, but you can see what it looks like in this amazing illustration by Jody Wong here.

The more exciting thing is that my lovely friend Hello Sandwich is having a regular craft workshop in this building!!! I went to her second workshop there to make my own notebooks! It was so much fun the 2 hours went by far too quickly. You should definitely go to her workshop if you are ever in Tokyo, do check out Hello Sandwich blog for future workshop information!

Speaking of Hello Sandwich, she's actually been seen everywhere in Tokyo these days, at the nidi gallery for a group exhibition (with more cute artists mogu-chan and gracie), and at the TOKYO ART BOOK FAIR -the biggest zine fair in Asia- coming up this long weekend. Exciting!!

3-15-4 Shibaura Minato-ku Tokyo (google map)
5 mins from Tamachi Sta on JR Yamanote / Keihin Tohoku Line

The new autumn & winter collection from mina perhonen is just so gorgeous!!
Above photos are of their new catalogue taken by me, and the below are from

images by

Thanks to many of you who showed their interests in getting my little tokyo photo zine which I posted about a while ago, I have now started selling them on my web shop UGUiSU! If you read this and would be so kind to want to buy it, you can use a coupon code "jollygoo" to receive free shipping (you will get a $4 off your purchased amount which equals to shipping for US, Canada, Australia, NZ and Europe by standard airmail, but not when you purchase items only other than the zine please...!!)! Also, you will receive a free copy of my plants zine poster, so that means you will only need to spend $10 to get both of my little zines including shipping :) This offer is specially for my wonderful blog readers who always give me lovely words and encouragement!



*Please note that the coupon discount is only applied when the zine is purchased, I appreciate your understanding!

umeshu making 2011
umeshu making 2011
umeshu making 2011
umeshu making 2011
umeshu making 2011
umeshu making 2011
umeshu making 2011
umeshu making 2011
If you have been following my blog for over a year (or even from 2 years ago!?) you may remember my annual umeshu makings - the homemade plum wine. If not, this is what I do every year at the beginning of Summer, in early June when the Japanese fresh plums become available (they are only available at this time of year). The smell of the fresh green plums are so lovely, every year as I go through this habit of making my own umeshu I feel the summer coming so close. I'm looking forward to December when I can finally start drinking it, but to tell you the truth it's best start drinking after one year, if I can wait that long that is though!

Happy July to you all!!

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