recently, on instagram
The summer solstice today. A real summer-like day in Tokyo, hot and sticky (means awful). I have been so swamped with work lately and hence the absence from blogging. I haven't been taking photos so much either, except on iPhone. Instagram, like so many other people I am addicted to it. It's a fun way to record and share your daily life, and it's so easy :) So I'm sharing these images here for now I hope you like them! (But yes I hope to get back to the real photography soon too!)

Happy Wednesday everyone!


Have a happy weekend to you all.

totally out of focus

I hope you are all having a good start to June. Here in Tokyo the rainy season settled in 2 weeks earlier than usual, I can feel the awful Japanese summer coming just around the corner. Summer, you don't have to come so early I'm not really ready for you yet.

My latest blog crush, destes dias, Maria's beautiful photographs make me feel calm.

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