back street

sake shop
I did one roll on B&W, I think Kurashiki looks especially good on B&W and I am really happy with this film Neopan 1600 super presto by Fuji, but I was so sad to know that they stopped making this film and I can't buy it any more! :(

So this will be my last post on Kurashiki, I hope you enjoyed the photos. It's really a beautiful city so if you have a chance to travel to the Chugoku Area (where Hiroshima is) I recommend you take a day or two to go visit Kurashiki!

Also a big thank you to those who left lovely comments about my Tokyo mini photo zine! I'm thinking to sell it so please wait for a little announcement :)

My first (kind of) zine I made for 2011 MCA ZINE FAIR this coming Sunday in Sydney! This is a mini photo zine which I put together my Tokyo photos I have shared here on my blog. (if you notice there is one photo that was actually not taken in Tokyo)
My dear friend and a wonderful Tokyo based artist Ebony has organised a HELLO SANDWICH TOKYO TABLE booth and she kindly invited me to join (thank you Ebo-chan!!) so this is what I made in a super rush! But it looks like a zine, I hope?

I also made this little poster zine as well, it is B4 size (which is a little bit smaller than A3) and I put together all the photos I have taken of my plants I grow in my Tokyo apartment in the past 5 years.

If you are in Sydney and will be able to go to the MCA Zine Fair this Sunday, please do find the Hello Sandwich Tokyo Table booth and check out all the wonderful zines other creative people have done, especially the Hello Sandwich Tokyo Stationery Shop Guide!
Big thanks to for this wonderful opportunity, and another huge thanks to her friend Beatrice for minding the table for us!!

basket haven
Kurashiki is certainly a photogenic city it was so hard to stop taking photos!
cafe el greco
Here are some photos from the second roll of film, solaris 400.

We had coffee at lovely ivy-covered cafe EL GRECO, my interior shots were poor but it was really nice inside also, high cealing, big windows, retro details and lovely smell of fresh coffee. (It had a counter that reminded me of an old sento.)

I think this roll was better than other ones it was the light leak and bad focus (photos i share here are the better ones i must admit, I have bad ones hidden :p ), but I just found out that I can fix the light leak problem by using the black electrical tape so I hope to try that next time. Thank you Jannese for the tip!! :)
During the past Golden Week holidays I finally made my long-time dream of going to Kurashiki come true! I took my minolta, which I obviously haven't really got the hang of, and these are from the second roll of film (photos from the first roll were a lot worse!). I don't know if it's the camera's problem or maybe how I loaded the film was not quite right, they didn't turn out so well....but anyway....

Kurashiki is another historic city of Okayama prefecture in the west part of Japan, next to Hiroshima prefecture. In the beautifully preserved area around the canal, there are many warehouses (which in Japanese we call "KURA") which had been used to store rice when Kurashiki was served as an important rice distribution center back in the Edo Period (1603-1867). Many of these former warehouses have been converted into shops, cafes and museums. So beautiful this city, I was instantly in love with it! It's not only about the aesthetic of the city, but oh do they have beautiful food AND sake!! Kurashiki introduced me into the new world of sake drinking habit :)

More photos to follow!!

Woa! This month's Casa BRUTUS is by Todd Selby!
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