
Hello. I am here. I am okay. All of your words and thoughts have been extremely uplifting. Thank you so much. Cherry blossoms have started to bloom. The most beautiful time of year in Tokyo is almost here. It's been really uneasy to be here but still my favourite time of year to be in Japan will arrive. I think it's about time I start taking photos again. I think that is a good sign.
thank you so so much for your warm words and thoughts. when it happened i was home alone, i totally panicked crying not knowing what to do, glasses broken on the floor plants books photo frames fell from where they were. later noticed that all the roof tiles fell from an old house right behind us and it was scary. after the second big quake i was picked up by my husband's dad and ended up staying with them overnight, there was no way i could stay by myself. my husband came home from work after midnight when the trains started to run again. i was with ebony earlier she's safe too.
i was worried sick for my niece ako who lives in sendai, near the worst damaged area but soon heard she's safe with her family and I was so relieved though it is truly devastating to see the damage done up north peole losing their houses and loved ones. we're all pretty safe in tokyo now though we are feeling so many aftershocks all the time -it's shaking right now while i'm typing this. please if you have a moment please do pray for those people up north who are in the cold still waiting to be rescued. all the help, support, thoughts, love, prayers for us from outside japan is really amazing, thank you i want to thank you all so much.

love from tokyo
Just a quick note to say I'm safe and so is my family.

Gekkoso is my favourite art supply shop which has been in Hanatsubaki Street in Ginza for 95 years. Dearest little shop it is!
rose bakery
rose bakery
rose bakery
rose bakery
rose bakery
rose bakery
rose bakery
Rose Bakery is in Tokyo now!

Looking at Tommy's lovely photos of Rose Bakery in Paris and London, I always dreamed of going to this cafe if I ever go to Paris or London again. How could I ever imagine there to be one in Tokyo? But yes there is, in Marunouchi.

Last week, I had a chance to see Stephanie who was back in Tokyo briefly and we met in Ginza. I thought it would be too western and not so interesting to take someone who was in Tokyo for a short visit, but it was the coldest day (it snowed!) and we just wanted to grab some hot drinks so we went. The cafe is actually inside a Comme des Garçons shop, and was designed by Rei Kawakubo -the designer of Comme des Garçons who apparently is sister-in-lows with Rose of Rose Bakery. (that explains!) It was nice, the orange&lemon cake we shared was so delicious, it's just that I wish it was somewhere closer to the area I normally hung out so I can visit more often. I actually thought that it would suit a lot better in the area like Aoyama/Omotesando than Marunouchi which is very business-like though has become become one of the major shopping areas now, but too bad.

More than anything, I had a really wonderful catching up with Stephanie and gosh it was such an inspiring afternoon it's great to meet and talk to someone who is amazingly creative, professional and full of ideas like herself!

Happy weekend to you all! ;)

After that warm beautiful day on last Sunday, it got back to cold winter days. Hope this Sunday will be a nice one. Even my plants look kind of depressed these days, don't they look happy in these photos?

All above photos are by Kotori Kawashima

This adorable girl called Mirai-chan was on the cover of BRUTUS December issue last year and every time I saw her face at the book stores or on the posters at train stations she made me smile, really big. These were taken by a Japanese photographer Kotori Kawashima (such a cute name!) and I just couldn't help posting about him (I thought it was "she" but was actually "he"!) and the sweet Mirai-chan after seeing her cuteness again on Sokokashiko which is one of the loveliest blogs I recently came across!

Oh and, hello March!

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