around fog linen
around fog linen
around fog linen

lunch time shadows
all gone

in the late afternoon
We had a beautiful warm Sunday in Tokyo yesterday, the temperature went up to 18℃ and it didn't even drop much in the evening. (but we had snow today!) Had some sweet treats for late morning tea, my favourite caneles and mille feuille from a local patisserie, so delicious.....!

I hadn't had such relaxed Sunday for a long time, I sat down and had a second really good look at this lovely book (seen in the first 3 photos) my dear friend Ebony gave me for my birthday. (She gave me the stripe linen coated tray also from fog as well which I'm absolutely in love with and now can't live without!)
The rest of the photos were taken inspired by the beautiful book, I just couldn't help it! I realised that I hadn't shot with my digital camera for so long apart from photographing items for my shop! I think I will start using it more often, I love the film so much but sometimes it's nice to be able to see the photos right away and blog before everything is too old to post and never happen like always. haha
waikiki in the morning
waikiki at night

What I saw in this too short holiday is not a real Hawaii I know, I will have to go back with these sweet little memories. Till then, I will enjoy getting lost in here. You are so lucky to live there Aron! ;)

The small Kailua town was really sweet. Beach was beautiful, water so clear. Just under an hour on the bus from Waikiki, I found the kind of Hawaii I was expecting to see. We hired bicycles and rode around the town of Kailua, until it started to rain really heavily, well, quite soon. It was too cold and wet to swim, too bad :( It was kind of nice in the rain though, the smell of the rain in the tropical land brought back some old memories.
I would definitely go back and spend more time in Kailua if I visit Oafu again.

P.S. I have these really cute new eco-bags in my shop now, hope you pop over and have a peek ;)
We went to this coffee house one morning which almost everything I saw in there looked really American to me, it was like what I'd seen in many old American movies. I didn't see any other Japanese tourists in there (miraculously), we were the two aliens. It was exciting! It was "the" family restaurant (or famiresu in Japan), very authentic famiresu indeed. We have these American style restaurants in Japan everywhere like Denny's, but when they come to Japan they become too Japanese, if you know what I mean at all.... It's not the same. Waiters are too polite and robot-like in Japanese family restaurants.

Anyway, I do not know if this would be a typical American breakfast, but to me it seemed it was. It was HUGE (like everything else is) and was far too much for me I felt bad. But I surely did enjoy being in the American breakfast scene. It was cool, really cool.


Just before I left for Hawaii, someone told me that Waikiki is like Omotesando and I thought "WHAT!?". That can't be true. I could not imagine that at all. But yes, it was a bit like Omotesando, or Ginza perhaps. Well just some parts of it, really modern, big labels, full of Japanese tourists. (I was expecting Honolulu to be like Cairns, obviously I was just so ignorant, Honolulu is a big city!) But in the photos I just had developed, I saw none of those what seemed like Omotesando but all nice and relaxing and that made me happy :)

More photos from Hawaii to follow.

bare trees

in the reflection
February is the coldest month in Tokyo, I don't like the cold but I like February because although it's really cold we can also feel the spring being not too far away. Plum blossoms start to bloom, camellia so pretty, and soon my favourite mimosa will have adorable lemon yellow flowers. It's been really dry but this dryness and the cold make sky look so clear that we can often see the mt Fuji even though it is 100km away from Tokyo. In the sunset hours sky is particularly beautiful. The day is surely getting longer. In the old Japanese calender, today is the first day of spring after all. It is 立春 (risshun). The real spring is not too far away.

Although I enjoy February in Tokyo, I will be taking a mini holiday and will escape the cold. I'm off to Hawaii! Yay! It will be another unbelievably quick trip but it should be a great refreshment after having worked like a crazy person for the last couple months, hehe.

I will also be having a special sale at my shop and everything will be 10% off from tomorrow (tokyo time so it will start in 4 hours!) so if you need to stock up some masking tapes or other Japanese paper goodies please pop over to UGUiSU ;)
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