いつも、花のこと。 ("itsumo hana no koto" translates: Always, about flowers) is a beautiful book by a flower stylist Kazumi Hirai of ikanika which has been recently published. ikanika is my favourite cafe near Jiyugaoaka which Kazumi san and her husband own, and it is also used as an atelier where Kazumi san gives flower arrangement classes. The modest and delicate way she always present flowers at ikanika is so welcoming and really lovely. So when I asked Kazumi san if she could do my wedding flowers and when she happily accepted, I was really thrilled! She is such a lovely lady so sweet and gentle with some hidden powerful energy, just like her flowers.

The following are some left over flowers from the wedding I enjoyed at home afterward. The autumn hydrangeas are still looking pretty now and they make me smile :)


bento box and green teamorningナギサbarber
These are from 2 weekends ago when we went on a quick trip to Izu-Kogen, about 2 hours down along the coast line on the train. Izu-Kogen is a nice little town where many people have holiday houses, it has onsen (hot spring) and beautiful seafood which we enjoyed a lot.

On the way back we stopped at Atami, an old onsen town once used to be a really popular lively place but now a little deserted with less visitors especially young ones. We thought it might be fun to walk around and find a place to have lunch. It was indeed quite interesting, some sights looked like it just popped out from the 80s (or Showa period), sometimes it looked like a really lovely port town in Europe, and some streets looked like what I think Hong Kong might be like. There weren't many restaurants open for lunch, so we picked a cute little restaurant that specialises in French cuisine using beautiful local seafood. The food was great and I liked the interesting paintings they had on their walls. We pretended we were somewhere like Marseilles, hoping we can go somewhere fancier than Atami next time.

the new cup
I'm loving my new cup from iihoshi yumiko porcelain, which I posted about before. The handle, the rim, the size, colour.... everything about it is so perfect! The one you see in the last photo is another cup of my favourites, a Mashiko-yaki cup I was given many years ago.

Also, I just got a new table :)

Hope you are enjoying the week everyone!

vietnamese lunch
iro iro
kodomo no niwa

These are from late August (late late post) when my niece Ako was visiting during her school holidays. One day we went to the MOT (museum of contemporary art tokyo) and had a wonderful time. They were having 2 exhibitions which kids can really enjoy, one was "kodomo no niwa" (garden of children) where everyone can enjoy physical art experience, and the other one "Karigurashi no Arrietty & Yohei Taneda Fusing Fantasy With Reality" which exhibited a life-sized set based on Ghibli's film Arrietty. I'm not a big fan of Ghibli works or animations but no it was quite interesting and amusing.

Ako was staying with my mum while she was in Tokyo like always, but after this MOT fun day she decided to spend the night at our apartment. This was the very first time she had a sleeping over at our place, she had always said she couldn't sleep without her dad or grandma so that was a real big step for her and aunty was so pleased :)

afternoon light
Arigatou... What more can I say?

I am so touched to receive so so many warm wishes on my last post and I feel really lucky to have all these lovely people coming to visit my blog (even though it's been abandoned for so long) and taking their time to leave comments for me. I am totally flattered.


I'm still swamped with work and finding it hard to get back to blogging or catching up on my blogroll but I promise to come back to do more posts!

Wish you all many happy happenings!!

one fine day
Apologies for the long absence from my blog, so many things have been keeping me busy again. Was September ever here? I can not recall very well. I had so many works coming in all at once and I just didn't know if I could get through September at all but it seems I made it. And I think I did pretty well.

On top of all the works, there was this huge event. My wedding. Yes I got married after such a chaotic month. But after all it all went well, went perfectly well.
On a beautiful warm October day, we had two parties in a lovely little French restaurant set in an old Japanese house, day and night, followed by after party at another place nearby. Lots of omedetos (congrats) and lots of smiles made me truly happy.

It was lovely. Just lovely.

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