shiro no sekai
beauty + tranquility

First 3 photos are mine, the above images of the products are from yumiko iihoshi porcelain.

Yumiko Iihoshi's atelier is my recent favourite space in Tokyo. She has recently opened her atelier in Jiyugaoka as a gallery/shop 3 days a week. Simplicity, tranquility and beauty are all in there, a perfect box to contain her beautiful tableware. Yumiko-san is such a lovely person and that was no surprise to me at all looking at her delicate and sensuous pieces.

yumiko iihoshi porcelain
1-14-7-B Midorigaoka Meguro-ku Tokyo 1520034
open: normally on weekends only but changes every month.
This shop/atelier has closed.
Hana + Hanna Exhibition with Ebony.
hana + hanna exhibitionhana + hanna exhibition
Pretty shop in Ginza - TSUMORI CHISATO GOLD.
gold shop
Lovely band's live show in a classic tea house.
the classic tea house
Bon-odori (dance) festival in Jiyugaoka.
bon dance festival
The sarusuberi (Crape-myrtle?) looking ever so pretty in this extreme heat, one of not so many things I love of Tokyo's summer.

Autumn still seems really far away here.

P.S. You can buy Hana + Hanna's wonderful works here: Hana, Hanna.
Hanna's pretty blog here.

Thank you so much for lovely positive comments on my previous post for B&W shots! Now I can't wait to load another B&W film and start shooting more on B&W again.
The strong summer lights and shadows come out really nicely I think. I used Fuji NEOPAN 1600 Super PRESTO for these shots, the contrast came out quite strong (of course i didn't retouch any of these). If you have any good B&W films you can recommend I'd love to hear and try!

Have a lovely weekend everyone ;)

P.S. I went to this wonderful band's really fun show at a sweet little "kurashikku kissa" (classic tea house) in Asagaya with lovely Ebo-chan today. You should check out this post on Hello Sandwich!

black and white

Inspired by Brian's this post I bought and loaded a black & white film for the first time in what, 10 years? Possibly more. I hadn't even thought of shooting black & white in so long.
Looking through lens there were many times I thought oh this would be much nicer if it was on colour, but these aren't too bad in black & white are they? More to share soon!


Are you all enjoying summer? I hope you are!
Being in Tokyo it is not that easy, but I'm surviving....
Blue, I hoped these might soothe the heat somehow.
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