Unexpected things always happen to you doesn't it. Unexpected happiness makes you smile big but what happened to me this time didn't and rather it did me cry.
Before I tell you this, I want to say that I am okay now so there is no need to worry. But...... how could I expect to fall off my bike and break a front tooth!? Yes it did happen and it was awful. I had a big bag full of packages carrying on my shoulder while riding my bike (yes that new bike i've been showing/telling off, no not the one you see in the above picture) to go to the post office, and somehow the bag got stuck in the middle of the handle and the front tube and I fell. Hit my chin and knee really hard and obviously the tooth hit the concrete ground. Luckily I picked up the piece of broken tooth and went (almost) straight to the dentist so it could be glued together and it's looking okay now. My palms are wounded and I have bruises here and there and it hurts but I must say I was lucky that even though my tooth is broken, I have no obvious scars on my face so I will not need to worry about being in the photos during my Okinawa trip coming up next weekend thank goodness!!
So, this is going to be remembered/talked/laughed about forever and even I can laugh about it already so that means I'm really fine! Just hoping the pain will go away soon.
I just cannot help mentioning, but when I posted about this happening on facebook/twitter I got a sudden call from someone who just saw my tweet and guess who!? It was
Ebony calling from Sydney!!!!! How sweet is that of her to call me on my mobile to see if I was okay!? Seriously she's the sweetest person in the world I was so touched! Many many good things will happen to her for being such a lovely girl I'm sure :) ありがとうエボちゃん!!!!!
Well, I was planning to go see my favourite sakura in
Nakameguro but I couldn't make it, so these photos are from earlier this week and will be the last shots of sakura you will see here this spring. Take a look at
these beautiful shots of Nakameguro by
Narumi who is visiting Tokyo from France right now, her other shots of Tokyo are really amazing too!
Have a wonderful (and safe) weekend to you all!!!! Good night, oyasumi!