setagaya sky
setagaya sky
setagaya skyTotally unlike these skies I photographed on a same day a little while ago, today's Tokyo sky is horrible. My windows are rattled by strong wind and rain banging against them since early this morning. One of the biggest typhoons in the past 10 years (so powerful that the JR Yamanote Line is stopped!) is hitting the entire Japan and I'm hoping so hard that it will pass soon and the calm clear sky will come back which I haven't seen for days.

How is the weather on your ends? A lot better than here I hope.



  1. the weather currently in missoula montana... it was snowing today, but now we have rain and maybe a temperature of six degrees or so. i really am enjoying the cool weather, it makes me calm. hope all is well for you hiki!

  2. beautiful photographs. oh. the wheather here.. lets see. autumn! 4 celsius. cold, but sunny. perfect! but enjoy the storm, you get a hell good of a reason to stay inside and eat chocolate. :)

  3. Oh that's no good. I remember Japan typhoons. Not nice! We've had horrible winds here too over the last month. Some even destroying houses. But today was ok. No wind. Sunny then cloudy, then sunny then cloudy. And cool. About 14 degrees. That's too cold for this time of year (Spring).

  4. i love your pictures of skies. especially those with wires.

    take care of yourself and watch out for the typhoon!

  5. I hope that you are ok in the typhoon! The weather is cold but sunny here at the moment.

  6. these three photos combine so beautifully.
    i adore photos of skyscapes and the things (like wires and fences and rooftops) that interrupt the view.
    i hope that you keep safe in the typhoon.

  7. eee! taihen! wow the JR line stopped too!
    the weather here is....atsui...MUSHI ATSUI. kimochiwarui :-(

  8. I just saw some images of this typhoon on Dutch tv news, and I hope you're well! :(

  9. the weather here in south of france is fantastic. beautiful, warm and lots of sun ! Hope you're ok.

  10. Thank you everyone for lovely caring comments!
    Yes the typhoon passed early in the afternoon and am fine! The sun even came out and it turned out to be rather beautiful day almost as if there was no typhoon at all! it's still quite windy but we're expecting nice weather ahead.

    I loved hearing about the weather from you from all over the world!! so wonderful!! thank you so much you are the best people!!!!

  11. If I could live anywhere in the world it would be Setagaya-ku! I love Shimokita!


your kind words are always welcome and appreciated! arigato :)
