xiao long bao love
making xiao long bao
foot massage
good spot
good fun
you know this!
back to a hotel
time to leave
Eating xiao long bao (i looooove them!), taking a foot massage (Taiwanese style is the best!), and having great Taiwanese dinner were about all we did. I wanted to go visit o l y at the cafe she works, and also to one of the famous night markets but it started to rain so heavily we gave them up. Taiwanese people were amazingly nice we were greeted with great smiles everywhere we went and I was surprised to see how different things were from mainland China. I will definately go back there for a good exploration! Thank you Taipei.

Din Tai Fung
218, Chung Hsiao East Rd, Taipei, Taiwan

明福餐廳 Ming Fu Seafood Restaurant
No.18, Lane 137, Section 2, Jhongshan North Rd, Jhongshan District

呉神父健康中心(Father WU Health Center)
No.68, Section 4, Ren-ai Rd, Da-an District Taipei City

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  1. I'm glad you had a good trip...great , expressive pictures...especially, the restaurant and the empty massage parlor...you should've gone to a barber shop..oh, well...maybe next time

  2. hiki hiki,

    ko-ni-chi-wa :)

    i'm so glad that you have a nice time in taipei, but 18 hours is really waaaaay too short ! next time i hope we can finally meet and go to places together, i wanna take you to eat spicy hot pot !

    have a nice day !


  3. These are such good pictures, I am so in need of vacation time !!!!! even for 18 hours... ! ;-)

  4. i love xiao long bao too, with lots of ginger and vinegar!

  5. Thank you everyone, I love Taipei!
    oly, 18 hours including sleeping time so that was really nothing! i would looooooove you take me to the hot pot place, that sounds super exciting ;)
    thundering, yes eating with LOTS of ginger makes it so good!

  6. ohoh- you're back, expecting you. haha :D
    i also lovelove xiao long bao.!!
    here, we have a franchise chinese restaurant called 'Din Tai Fung' too, and they also serve xiao long bao,
    but i would love to have them in motherland.!

    oh, and i especially love the third photo,
    is that a barber shop?? lovely.! :D


your kind words are always welcome and appreciated! arigato :)
