Japanese Wrapping Paper Pad designed by Kyoto based Japanese stencil artist Mihoko Seki is one of the items I highly recommend from my shop. There are two different design or colours in one pad, 20 sheets each (40 sheets in one pad).
You can be creative with these papers, you can of course use them as wrapping papers but my favourite way of using them is as book covers. If you buy a book in a Japanese bookstore you often get your book coverd in a paper with the shop logo printed on it. But you can make your own very easily, just fold the four sides to match the size of a book, no glue no scissors so easy! And don't they look cute? It keeps the book nice and clean. (Check out lovely Hello Sandwich's post on Japanese book covers!)

You can also use it as a letter writing paper, and make your own matching envelope. You will need a glue and scissors this time, but no hastle!

Or make your own small paper bags?
Or use it as a place mat? No glue, no scissors, no folding!!!!
Or perhaps you have some better ideas? (I'm sure you do.) I'm going to have a limited special sale on these wrapping paper pads and it will be $8.80 for a 40 sheet pad while it's normally $10, if you want to try! This offer starts NOW and will end on 6 September. So check out all the 3 different designed pads in my shop: Wrapping paper pad (Restaurant) / Wrapping paper pad (Salon Biz) / Wrapping paper pad (Cafe & Temples)

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  1. awwwwwww, they are so, so, so, so, sooooo beautiful !!!!!!!

    i'm really struggling right now, because i'm saving money for my paris trip, so i shouldn't buy anything that i earned. eeeeeeeee. but i'm so loving with these wrapping papers, i love love love papers !!!!!!!

    i feel so doki doki right now. okay okay, enough of complaints. let's see who win the battle of wheather buy these beautiful paper or not. the devil or the angel.

    have a nice day, dear hiki.


  2. when i was in primary school we would always make paper covers for the books as often we were reselling the books once the school year was over. it's much nicer way to cover the book than with plastic.

  3. Very very nice. Thank you for the inspiration Hiki!

  4. Japanese gift and book wrapping is an art not understood or seen in the rest of the world...there's so much respect in presenting a gift that is well and appropriately wrapped for the occasion
    Thanks for sharing. Hope you sell a lot in your store

  5. hey o l y!
    when are you going to paris? they have beautiful papers in france too don't they!! i love how french people do the gift wrappings, they are so clever with it!

    hi monaka!
    reselling the school books is great so you get to use them nicely. mine were always full of doodles... :p

    hi ulrika!
    I'm so glad you enjoyed this post!

    hi Baron's Life!
    yes i guess it's part of our culture. i never paid much attention before my Australian friends always told me how impressed they were with the packaging/presentation on the gifts I brought from japan!

  6. i've always loved the simple wrapping paper japanese book stores wrap their books in! like a blanket :-)

  7. Yes it is part of a very ancient culture where respect means everything...I wish we had more of this sorta thing everywhere in the world

  8. I went in Tokyo when i was 20 years old. I conserved one paper and i already had the same idea to cover my little phone book. I still have pieces of paper that i can't imagine throwig out.
    May be i will put a picture of it in my blog soon.


your kind words are always welcome and appreciated! arigato :)
